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Akwedukt na nowo i promenady nad rzeką

The Aqueduct Gallery Concept
(Rehabilitation and Conversion Alternative)

As the centerpiece of the “ROC the Riverway” initiative, the Aqueduct Reimagined and Riverfront Promenades project will establish pedestrian and bicycle waterfront connections along both sides of the Genesee River and transform the historic Erie Canal Aqueduct and Broad Street Bridge into a vibrant and active destination that uniquely celebrates the rich history and culture of Rochester, New York.

The City of Rochester has implemented a robust community engagement process for the Aqueduct Reimagined and Riverfront Promenades project and developed an updated design concept and vision that reflects the significant public and stakeholder input received to date and celebrates the history of the site.

We would like to thank Governor Kathy Hochul, New York State Department of Transportation, and Empire State Development for their continued support of the ROC the Riverway initiative and the transformation of our downtown waterfront.


Visuals shown are for illustrative purposes only, and do not reflect design decisions about streetscape, materiality, art retention, or other advanced design features which are still in development. Community and stakeholder feedback will inform design development in the coming phases.

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Past Events

Public Workshop #4 - 4.27.23
Party at the Aqueduct - 10.2.22

Inicjatywa ROC the Riverway / Building Bridges to the Future łączy ponad dwa tuziny projektów transformacyjnych wzdłuż rzeki Genesee w ujednoliconą strategię, aby umożliwić miastu Rochester lepsze wykorzystanie wartości jego nabrzeża. Centralnym punktem inicjatywy jest projekt Aqueduct Reimagined i Riverfront Promenade, który stworzy tętniące życiem centralne miejsce spotkań i zapewni połączenie szlaków nadrzecznych na nabrzeżu w centrum miasta. 

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